Monday, April 18, 2016

Psychic Powers: Negative Energy

Negative Energy: Perhaps the most feared of the psychic powers, those that harness negative energy, or darkmatter, are able to suck the life force out of their opponents and add it to themselves leaving nothing of their foes but dried out husks.

Vampire's Kiss
Psychic Skill TN: 10
Effects: By touching the opponent's bare skin, the psychic is able to drain 3 plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy, adding half that number (rounded down) to their health pool. The bonus health points last for minutes equal to your skill points in Negative Energy. Example: If you have two skill points in Negative Energy, you lose any extra health points in two minutes.

Life Drain:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effects: A tendril of black and sickly green light connects you and your opponent. Your opponent takes 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy while you gain half that number to your health pool for the next x rounds, where x is the number of skill points in Negative Energy you have.

Void Star:
Psychic Skill TN: 30
Effects: A miniature black hole is created at anyplace within 100 feet from the psychic, and everything that implies. The black hole is open for 1 round plus 1 round per skill point in Negative energy. The psychic is not immune to the effects of the black hole. If Void Star is placed on an opponent, that opponent is killed instantly. If an opponent is within 20 feet, it must make a defense check with a TN of difficult or very difficult if within 10 feet to move away from the Void Star.

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