Monday, April 18, 2016

Psychic Powers: Elemental

Using their psychic abilities, elementalists are able to conjure pure energy and shape it into the following energy types: fire, electricity, ice, sonic, and acid. With this, they are able to use devastating attacks using their minds and matter around them. They are more closely related to Manifesters than to the Positive or Negative Energy Psychics, and some believe that Manifesters and Elementalists are utilizing the same powers.

Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: The psychic is able to conjure a ball of superheated plasma within thirty feet of himself. This detonates, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental to all creatures and structures within 20 feet of the detonation point.

Lightning Cloud.
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Crackling with electricity, a cloud of lightning manifests around an opponent, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental or 20 damage plus 2d6 per skill point in Elemental against a robotic opponent.

Ice Storm:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Razor sharp shards of ice launch themselves at an enemy, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental.

Acidic Wave:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: The opponent is splashed with corrosive acid, causing 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental per round for 1d6 rounds per skill point in Elemental. Eats through all but the strongest body armors.

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