Monday, April 18, 2016

Psychic Powers: Manifesting

Between controlling the elements and the art of healing lies the Manifestations. Psychics able to bend reality to their will and use latent matter to construct any object they desire, they are able to create anything from shields, to explosives, to temporary clones of people. 

Psychic Skill TN: 10
Effect: Raises Armor Rating by 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in 
SFX: Most common is a shimmering azure force field that surrounds the psychic, but they can also be invisible, or any color/density the psychic wishes. 

Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Using latent matter, the psychic causes a massive explosion. Damage is 10 plus 1d6 per skill point in Manifesting.
SFX: Most common is a normal seeming explosion, but some psychics opt to use more dramatic imagery, like mushroom clouds or shrapnel. 

Psychic Skill TN: 5-20
Effect: The psychic creates a clone of someone they have seen before. The more intimately the psychic knows the subject, the better the clone will look. This power also scales. The lower the TN the less real the clone looks. Sometimes eyes will be different colors, or if the psychic was distracted, different shapes. Sometimes the skin will look like wax. On the higher end of the scale, the clone can be flawless and only a close friend or lover can (sometimes) tell the difference. 
SFX: While able to manifest clones out of thin air, some psychics with a flair for the dramatic conjure bright lights or "doorways" to summon their clones. 

Psychic Weapon 
Psychic Skill TN: 5-15
Effect: The psychic creates a weapon out of latent matter and is able to wield it. The lower end of the skill TN conjures simple bludgeoning weapons like clubs, hammers, or a mace, while the higher end of the spectrum conjures firearms or energy weapons. Mid range are bladed weapons like swords or axes. 
SFX: Most times the psychic will create a weapon that looks like its actual counterpart. Sometimes, psychics will stylize these weapons to look like something out of a fantasy holomovie. 

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