Sunday, April 17, 2016

Dying Suns

Of Mars, Charon, Warpgates, and Manifestations.

On the brink of the Third World War, brought upon by greedy oligarchies, a few ships of refugees discover a fragment of a device in a deep cavern on Mars. It is a ring with characters carved into it in no known language. Held up to the sun, the characters glow with an azure light. After much study, it is discovered that it acts as a star map, pointing to the moon of Pluto, Charon.

Corporations and Governments race to create a spacecraft that can transport scientists, engineers, and soldiers to the outer reaches of the solar system, and it is Arkonian-Sendai that manages to do it first, a MegaCorp dealing with cyberspace and city security.

The fragment leads a team of ArkSen scientists to a cave complex near the moon's core, and what they discovered there is classified information.

A Symbol Claimed to Have Been Carved where the Warpgate was Found

What they did release to the public, however, was the location of The Warpgate, a ring-like device that launched itself into orbit and activated when the fragment was locked into place.

Blue light ripples across the surface, like water, and hints of what wait on the other side flash randomly beneath its surface.

A scout ship was sent through, and it was found that communications were not severed in transport.

The scout ship found itself in a new star system, where three suns slowly circled each other, and the gravity was so intense, the ship crumpled like a tin can.

The Arkonian-Sendai scientists managed to recalibrate the Warpgate, and the next scout ship reported emerging near a blue and green planet about a half size larger than Earth. In further testing, it was proved to be livable, with no sentient species.

With further recalibrations, more star systems were discovered, and mankind began expanding.

In a system in far off deep space, a ship graveyard was discovered, and through reverse engineering, Arkonian-Sendai clinched a monopoly on technology and ship building. Their fleet is the largest of Earth's, and they claim ownership of four systems.

It is rumored they are working on a system where the same energy that powers the Warpgates could function on individual ships, allowing them, in essence to teleport across the systems in a series of jumps.

Of a note, and just now being brought to light, are the changes some experienced while going through the Warpgate. It seems, about one in a hundred million who have crossed through a Warpgate have manifested strange psychic powers, able to manipulate the elements, darkmatter, or someone's own healing process, accelerating it a hundred fold.
Arkonian-Sendai has begun experimentation on a few of the ones who have manifested these powers, and some of their research is troubling, to say the least.

There are some who are able to heal the most grievous wounds, others are able to gather plasma out of thin air to create fire, lighting, acid, or other substance. Some are able to create shields stronger than any force field around themselves, or to improve their senses or reflexes.

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