Monday, April 18, 2016

Psychic Powers: Positive Energy

Positive Energy: Psychics able to speed up the natural healing process to a supernatural rate, to rework matter, to shrink cancer, to bring life force back into a deceased ally.

Light Burst:
Psychic Skill TN: 10
Effects: Heals every creature within 10 feet of the caster 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in Positive Energy.

Healing Wave
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effects: Heals a creature within 30 feet of the psychic for 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in Positive Energy for x rounds where x is skill points in Positive Energy.

Psychic Skill TN: 30
Effects: Brings a deceased creature back to life.

Psychic Powers: Negative Energy

Negative Energy: Perhaps the most feared of the psychic powers, those that harness negative energy, or darkmatter, are able to suck the life force out of their opponents and add it to themselves leaving nothing of their foes but dried out husks.

Vampire's Kiss
Psychic Skill TN: 10
Effects: By touching the opponent's bare skin, the psychic is able to drain 3 plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy, adding half that number (rounded down) to their health pool. The bonus health points last for minutes equal to your skill points in Negative Energy. Example: If you have two skill points in Negative Energy, you lose any extra health points in two minutes.

Life Drain:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effects: A tendril of black and sickly green light connects you and your opponent. Your opponent takes 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy while you gain half that number to your health pool for the next x rounds, where x is the number of skill points in Negative Energy you have.

Void Star:
Psychic Skill TN: 30
Effects: A miniature black hole is created at anyplace within 100 feet from the psychic, and everything that implies. The black hole is open for 1 round plus 1 round per skill point in Negative energy. The psychic is not immune to the effects of the black hole. If Void Star is placed on an opponent, that opponent is killed instantly. If an opponent is within 20 feet, it must make a defense check with a TN of difficult or very difficult if within 10 feet to move away from the Void Star.

Psychic Powers: Elemental

Using their psychic abilities, elementalists are able to conjure pure energy and shape it into the following energy types: fire, electricity, ice, sonic, and acid. With this, they are able to use devastating attacks using their minds and matter around them. They are more closely related to Manifesters than to the Positive or Negative Energy Psychics, and some believe that Manifesters and Elementalists are utilizing the same powers.

Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: The psychic is able to conjure a ball of superheated plasma within thirty feet of himself. This detonates, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental to all creatures and structures within 20 feet of the detonation point.

Lightning Cloud.
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Crackling with electricity, a cloud of lightning manifests around an opponent, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental or 20 damage plus 2d6 per skill point in Elemental against a robotic opponent.

Ice Storm:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Razor sharp shards of ice launch themselves at an enemy, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental.

Acidic Wave:
Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: The opponent is splashed with corrosive acid, causing 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental per round for 1d6 rounds per skill point in Elemental. Eats through all but the strongest body armors.

Psychic Powers: Manifesting

Between controlling the elements and the art of healing lies the Manifestations. Psychics able to bend reality to their will and use latent matter to construct any object they desire, they are able to create anything from shields, to explosives, to temporary clones of people. 

Psychic Skill TN: 10
Effect: Raises Armor Rating by 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in 
SFX: Most common is a shimmering azure force field that surrounds the psychic, but they can also be invisible, or any color/density the psychic wishes. 

Psychic Skill TN: 15
Effect: Using latent matter, the psychic causes a massive explosion. Damage is 10 plus 1d6 per skill point in Manifesting.
SFX: Most common is a normal seeming explosion, but some psychics opt to use more dramatic imagery, like mushroom clouds or shrapnel. 

Psychic Skill TN: 5-20
Effect: The psychic creates a clone of someone they have seen before. The more intimately the psychic knows the subject, the better the clone will look. This power also scales. The lower the TN the less real the clone looks. Sometimes eyes will be different colors, or if the psychic was distracted, different shapes. Sometimes the skin will look like wax. On the higher end of the scale, the clone can be flawless and only a close friend or lover can (sometimes) tell the difference. 
SFX: While able to manifest clones out of thin air, some psychics with a flair for the dramatic conjure bright lights or "doorways" to summon their clones. 

Psychic Weapon 
Psychic Skill TN: 5-15
Effect: The psychic creates a weapon out of latent matter and is able to wield it. The lower end of the skill TN conjures simple bludgeoning weapons like clubs, hammers, or a mace, while the higher end of the spectrum conjures firearms or energy weapons. Mid range are bladed weapons like swords or axes. 
SFX: Most times the psychic will create a weapon that looks like its actual counterpart. Sometimes, psychics will stylize these weapons to look like something out of a fantasy holomovie. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Core Rules

Dying Suns Core Rules v1

Each player starts with 6 stat points to be placed into the four main stats. Min: 1 Max: 3

Body: Strength, poison/elemental/venom resistance, melee damage.
Speed: Hand/eye coordination, dexterity, piloting fighters, ranged damage.
Smarts: Intelligence, problem solving, science, math.
Social: Negotiating, diplomacy, charm, bartering.

This last main stat, Psychic is not necessary, but if one would feel obliged to put one of their stat points in this, it opens up a world of possibility. Must be taken at first level.
Psychic: The ability to harness either positive or negative energies.

Skills: Skill points are determined by rolling 2d6 and adding your Smarts points. Min: 0, Max 4.

Acrobatics: (Speed)
Chemisty: (Smarts)
Bartering: (Social)
Driving Land Vehicles: (Speed)
Piloting Space Fighters: (Speed)
Piloting Air Fighters: (Speed)
Piloting Starships: (Smarts)
Force: (Body)
Grenades: (Speed)
Biology: (Smarts)
Physics: (Smarts)
Technology: (Smarts)
Hacking: (Smarts)
Social Media: (Social)
Alertness: (Smarts)
Seduction: (Social)
Tracking: (Smarts)
Distract: (Social)

Non-Combat Skill Use: 1d6 per associated Stat Point Plus 1d6 per associated Skill Point.
Each skill usage will have a target number (tn), determined by the GM.

A rough guideline:
Very Easy: TN 5
Easy: TN 10
Mildly Challenging: TN 15
Challenging: TN 20
Very Challenging: TN 30
Improbable: TN 40

Combat Skills:
Defense: (Speed)
Heavy Melee Weapons: (Body)
Light Melee Weapons:  (Speed)
Heavy Ranged Weapons: (Speed)
Light Ranged Weapons:  (Speed)
Energy Ranged Weapons: (Speed)
Energy Melee Weapons: (Speed)
Explosives: (Smarts)
Brawling/Martial Arts: (Body)

Psychic Skills:
Elemental: (Psychic)
Positive Energy: (Psychic)
Negative Energy: (Psychic)
Manifesting: (Psychic)

Weapon Attacks and Damage.
To hit: 1d6 per associated stat point plus 1d6 per associated skill point. For every 6 you roll is a success, every 1 you roll is a failure, which cancels out any one 6 you may have rolled. This is done by an opposed roll by your opponent. After all dice are rolled, and 1’s are taken out, if you have a higher number, you hit. If they roll a higher number, you missed.
Satomi Kira swings a warsword at an opponent. She rolls 2d6 for having 2 stat points in Body, and 3d6 for having 3 skill points in Heavy Melee Weapons. She rolls a 6, a 5, a 4, a 6, and a 1. The 1 cancels out one of the 6’s, leaving her with a 5, 4, and a 6. Which is 15.
Her opponent rolls 2d6 for their stat points in speed, along with 1d6 for their one rank in defense. They roll a 6, a 4, and a 3 for a total of 13. Satomi’s attack succeeds and she is free to roll damage.
To determine damage: It will be the weapons base damage (See below:) plus 1d6 for every associated skill point.
Example: Satomi’s warsword has a base damage of 2d6 and she has 3 skill points in Heavy Melee Weapons. So she rolls 5d6 for a total of 18.
Her opponent has an armor rating of 8 so they take 10 damage, and since they are a minor NPC, they are killed.

Note: In fighters and land vehicles, attacks will use this formula: 1d6 per speed stat point, 1d6 per skill point in driving or piloting, and 1d6 per skill point in heavy ranged weapons.

Defense: 1d6 per stat point in either body or speed (must choose at start of game) plus 1d6 per skill point in defense.
Note: In fighter or land vehicle, defense will be 1d6 per stat point in speed, 1d6 per skill point in defense, and 1d6 per skill point in driving or piloting.

Armor Rating: Your stat points in body times 5 plus your speed stat points.
(Example: Satomi has 2 stat points in body, which gives her an armor rating of 10. She has three points in Speed, so her final armor rating is 13. Any attack against her would have 13 subtracted from the damage roll)
This can also be raised or lowered by armor or conditions.

Health: Your Stat Points in Body times 20.
Example: You have two points in Body, your health is 40.

Weapon Base Damage:
Long Sword: HMW. 3

Warsword: HMW. 5
Axe: HMW. 4
Halberd: HMW: 6.
Baton: LMW: 2.
Rapier: LMW: 3.
Knife: LMW: 2.
Dagger: LMW: 3.

Rifle: HRW. 3
Carbine: HRW. 3.
Submachine Gun: HRW 4.
Assault Rifle: HRW. 4
Pistol: LRW 3
Crossbow: LRW 3

Vibroaxe: EMW. 3
Plasma Sword: EMW. 4.
Plasma Rifle: ERW: 5
Bolt Blaster: ERW: 3

Grendade: 10
Plasma Grendade: 15

Psychic Rules:
In order to use a Psychic Ability, one must 1)have at least one stat point in Psychic, 2)have at least one skill point in a Psychic Skill, and 3)Must hit a target number based on the Psychic Ability.

For example:
Kirito Adams, an Elemental psychic wants to throw a fireball at a gasline behind a group of MercLaw thugs. He has one Stat Point in Psychic and two skill points in Elemental. A Fireball has a TN of 10. He rolls 3d6 and nets an 11, so the fireball is successful.

Simple: Psychic Attacks:
Heat: (Elemental) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Electricity: (Elemental) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Cold: (Elemental) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Sonic: (Elemental) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Acidic: (Elemental) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Wilting: (Negative Energy) TN: 8 Damage: 5
Vampiric Touch: (NegativeEnergy) TN 10: Damage: 3, and 3 health is added to your health pool that goes away after 3 rounds.

Simple Psychic Healing:
Light Wave: (Positive Energy) TN: 8 Healing: +2, Others only.
Mending (Positive Energy) TN: 8 Healing: +2
Halo (Positive Energy) TN: 10 Healing: +3, self only.

Psychic Manifestations:
All psychic manifestations last for 1d6 minutes per skill point in Psychic plus 1d6 minutes per skill point in Manifest.

Fighter/Land Vehicle Weapons:
Standard Blaster Cannon: 10
Light Blaster Cannon: 7
Heavy Blaster Cannon: 15

Armor and Armor Rating Conditions:
Light Tactical Armor: +1
Security Armor: +2
Standard Military Armor: +3
Plated Exoskeleton: +6

Stunned: -3
Crippled: -10
Unconscious: Renders Armor Rating as 0.
Sickened: -1
Jacked: +1

Combat Turn Rules:
Able to move 5 squares per round and still take an action (attack, give something to someone)
Charge: Move up to 10 squares and do one melee attack.
Able to move 15 squares.
Attempt to hack.

Experience Points will be given out for combat, story points, and anything else the GM decides. With enough experience points, you can improve yourself.

Level 1: 0 exp
Level 2: 100 exp
Level 3: 300 exp
Level 4: 600 exp
Level 5: 1000 exp.

At each level you receive:
1 stat point to assign anywhere, even if your stat has three or more points in it.
1d6 times your smarts stat in skill points
10 points to add to your health pool.
1 point times your level to add to your armor ranking.

At level 1:
If you choose, think of a backstory for your character.
Determine your Stat Points.
Assign Skills.
Choose one melee weapon and one ranged weapon.
Thats it.

Dying Suns

Of Mars, Charon, Warpgates, and Manifestations.

On the brink of the Third World War, brought upon by greedy oligarchies, a few ships of refugees discover a fragment of a device in a deep cavern on Mars. It is a ring with characters carved into it in no known language. Held up to the sun, the characters glow with an azure light. After much study, it is discovered that it acts as a star map, pointing to the moon of Pluto, Charon.

Corporations and Governments race to create a spacecraft that can transport scientists, engineers, and soldiers to the outer reaches of the solar system, and it is Arkonian-Sendai that manages to do it first, a MegaCorp dealing with cyberspace and city security.

The fragment leads a team of ArkSen scientists to a cave complex near the moon's core, and what they discovered there is classified information.

A Symbol Claimed to Have Been Carved where the Warpgate was Found

What they did release to the public, however, was the location of The Warpgate, a ring-like device that launched itself into orbit and activated when the fragment was locked into place.

Blue light ripples across the surface, like water, and hints of what wait on the other side flash randomly beneath its surface.

A scout ship was sent through, and it was found that communications were not severed in transport.

The scout ship found itself in a new star system, where three suns slowly circled each other, and the gravity was so intense, the ship crumpled like a tin can.

The Arkonian-Sendai scientists managed to recalibrate the Warpgate, and the next scout ship reported emerging near a blue and green planet about a half size larger than Earth. In further testing, it was proved to be livable, with no sentient species.

With further recalibrations, more star systems were discovered, and mankind began expanding.

In a system in far off deep space, a ship graveyard was discovered, and through reverse engineering, Arkonian-Sendai clinched a monopoly on technology and ship building. Their fleet is the largest of Earth's, and they claim ownership of four systems.

It is rumored they are working on a system where the same energy that powers the Warpgates could function on individual ships, allowing them, in essence to teleport across the systems in a series of jumps.

Of a note, and just now being brought to light, are the changes some experienced while going through the Warpgate. It seems, about one in a hundred million who have crossed through a Warpgate have manifested strange psychic powers, able to manipulate the elements, darkmatter, or someone's own healing process, accelerating it a hundred fold.
Arkonian-Sendai has begun experimentation on a few of the ones who have manifested these powers, and some of their research is troubling, to say the least.

There are some who are able to heal the most grievous wounds, others are able to gather plasma out of thin air to create fire, lighting, acid, or other substance. Some are able to create shields stronger than any force field around themselves, or to improve their senses or reflexes.